Russian rottweiler kennel Cherny Legion
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Success of our kennel is predestined in participation in his work all people from our family. Our family is friendly so we can reach excellent results in any deal.

Victor, Gleb and Dan

Our man's command: Victor, Gleb and Dan. 1997 year.


Nadezhda with Cherny Legion Zaratustra

Short about each of us: I was loved dogs from childhood. In seven classe i'm buy my first dog, grow and training this dog. After school, i'm has gone in Chelyabinsk, finished here music faculty in institute of the culture, has married and teach other people music.
Meet with rottweiler has changed my life. Last 10 years i'm - owner of kennel "Cherny Legion", working on professions consultant, the adviser on breeding, judge and other. In kennel my work - nursing and contents of dogs, writing letters and advertising activity. Also i'm planning litters.
My husband - Victor - in past boxer and paratrooper, was worked in car service and don't think, what his future will bound with dogs.
We have many rottweilers and special for it buy dog's trailer in Germany.

Victor don't refused his main work, but he has little time for his main work. Now he is excellent specialist, whose word always has heed. Five years he worked leader Uralo-Sibirskogo rottweiler-club, became good expert on rottweiler. I think, he is excellent partner - he sees dog, understands her possibility and future potential.

Victor and Dan with puppys from Arko and Arina v.d. Goldquelle

Victor make all works, when need big physical loads - distant trip to show, trip to litters to different countries, intensive dogs training when required, organizing building second kennel. He is also leading handler in our kennel.

Victor on Moscow Championship with Cherny Legion Messershmidt

Our senior son - Gleb help us several years (now he is 23 years old). In other time Gleb was painting and boxing. In kennel he socializing young dogs, meet and accomodating people from other towns and countries. Also Gleb is second handler of kennel "Cherny Legion" and many dogs become Champions only with the help of Gleb. His help in our deal priceless and we grateful him.

Gleb with his Cherny Legion Zaratustra

Our younger son - Dan ( now he is 20 years old) very like our dogs and proud our archievements.
In 2002 year he was reconized Best young programmer of Saint-Petersburg and awarded inscribed bonus Russian president "Hope of Russia"! Today Dan is working by system admnistrator in serious organization. Even under enermous employment, he is actively participatesin functioning of kennel - responsible information-technical part: computer works, support and update our site, messaging and other.

Dan. Rare event of the coincidence of the work and confession.

Besides, he was sailing sport, drive a motorcycle, playing on guitar. When allows time, he with pleasure playing with puppys, talk with her conversations.

One of many Dan's hobbies

When we begin serious breeding rottweilers, our childrens was little. Now, after many years, i see, our sons capable sympathize more than many their peers

All services: Warranties. Individual selection puppy. Growing by order.
Comfortable hotel for dogs (full rooming house).
Provisioning special provender. Cooperation with leading specialists in the breeding.
Complex training. Information accompaniment. Practical support.

"Cherny Legion" reminds:
Beside us You will always be able to get objective and exhausting information
on any one of our rottweilers and on nursery as a whole.
Wake lucky!

Owner of kennel "Cherny Legion",
National expert of rottweiler
Litvinova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna

phone: 7-812-9239005

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