Russian rottweiler kennel Cherny Legion
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Famous Russian rottweilers

103 x Best breeder group and progeny group
Best breeder group, Best progeny group Russian rottweiler-club 2006

russian version


Cherny Legion Leader

156 x National Champion, jChampion.
International Champions. Grand-Champions.
Multi-Champions. East and Central Europe Champion.
Champions, jChampions, Winners, jWinners rottweiler-club.
Best junior World rottweiler Championship. Multi-CW "EuroDogShow", "WorldDogShow".
Winners and prizewinners shows in Russia, Germany, Holland, Austria, France, Italy, Croatia, Slovakia,
Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, China, Uzbekiston, Khazakhstan.
Winners and prizewinners competitions "Dog-bodyguard", "City dog" (BH), adjility, free-style, kani-cross.
51 x CACIB 47 x RCACIB 870 x CAC 188 x BOB 20 x BIS, jBIS 26 x IPO-I 5 x Ker-I etc

Rottweiler - our profile. We don't fans, but patriots of rottweiler.

Puppies. Litters. Service. Guarantee

owners: Litvinov Victor and Nadezda
Russia Saint-Petersburg +7-812-923-90-05, +7-911-233-90-05

Rambler's Top100 Rambler's Top100

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